After nearly two decades of ridicule, a Vietnamese young man has finally been able to change his name from "Fined Six Thousand and Five Hundred" to a more traditional one.
Angry that he was being fined for having a fifth child, the father Mai Xuan Can named his son Mai Phat Sau Nghin Ruoi, after the amount (6,500 dong) he was forced to pay for ignoring Vietnam's two-child policy. Local government officials pleaded with him in vain to change the name since the boy was constantly being teased by classmates at school.
Recently, with the help of an older sister, the son, now 19, finally got official permission to change his name to Mai Hoang Long, or 'Golden Dragon'. But you know what? May be Father knows best, after all, and the son may end up regretting the change. Considering that 6,500 dong is equal to 50 American cents, Mai Hoang Long may want to go back to his original name. Cause, really now, what's a cooler name for a 19-year old boy? 50 Cent or Golden Dragon?

I rest my case.
1 comment:
I don't know, Dizzy. Granted, Golden Dragon sounds noble and all, but a young man might want less nobility and a more gangsta sounding name,if he wants to impress girls, wouldn't you think?
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