Tuesday, December 11, 2007

If You're Happy And You Know It, Clap Your Hands

It is traditional, at the end of a year, to look back and assess one's triumphs and failures and try to draw lessons from them. Of course, I'm much too lazy to do any of this, not to mention that my memory has always been weak and unreliable, even when I was young. So I will just go through what I can remember, in no particular order, from this year that will end soon.

The Good Stuff:
  • My house: I love it.

My opium bed

  • My family: I love them.

My two sons playing the lobster ocarina

My dog enjoying the lobster ocarina recital

  • My work: I love it. I was fired, then re-hired, then fired again, then re-hired again. As I write this post, I still have a job (but I haven't opened the mail yet, so who knows...).

    Looks like where I work, but not quite

  • My Trip To Vietnam: I loved it.

Downtown Saigon

  • Christmas: I love it. What's not to love?

Okay, now for the bad stuff.

The Bad stuff:

Tick tack, tick tack, ....
Nope, can't think of anything.

Let's face it, I have a good life and I'll live happily ever after.



Anonymous said...

Et bien Bella, je suis tres content pour toi.
C' est bien ta chambre dis moi?

Buddhist with an attitude said...

Merci, KCA, je n'ai vraiment pas à me plaindre. Si je devais mourir tout de suite,là, je n'aurais pas de regret, sinon de causer du chagrin à mes enfants et à la chienne.
Et oui, c'est vraiment mon lit que j'ai trimballé de maison en maison et chaque fois, pour trouver un déménageur qui sait le démonter et le remonter (il n'y a pas de clou ni de colle, tout s'imbrique comme des pièces Lego), c'est la croix et la bannière!!!