Thursday, March 26, 2009

Better Late Than Never

I'll get a medal, but probably not this one

Did I tell you that I will retire at the end of the month, more specifically on March 31st 2009 at 5PM? I did? How many times?

Anyhoo. The Administrative Director's secretary called me this morning:

- Ms Buddhist? The director would like to meet you to give you a medal (or a gold pin, or something, I didn't hear properly).

- To me? Why? What did I do?

- Well, to reward you for 25 years of good services.

- Oh, phew! All right, sure, thank you.

- What are your availabilities next week, on the 31st of March?

- Uh, how about 4:55?

- Well, um.. the ceremony will last about 15 minutes.

- Oh, ok. How about 4:45 then?

- How about 3 pm?

- Sure, 3 pm's good.

- Thank you, Ms Buddhist, I will send you an email with all the details, for your confirmation.

En route vers de nouvelles aventures

Update (8 April 2009):

I forgot to tell you, the ceremony took less than 5 minutes. I arrived on time at the director's office, and she just looked up at me from her desk with a blank expression, so after a while, I said: I have an appointment for a pin ceremony. She started moving some papers around on her desk until she found the one with my name. She then took out a little box from her drawers* and practically tossed it to me. I'm exagerating, but barely. I stood there kinda stunned, so when I didn't leave right away, she came out from behind her desk to shake my hand and say: "Thank you for your long services and congratulations. Good bye, good bye."

I thanked her and left. I never went further than the threshhold of her office. She never invited me in, it was Wham Bam Thank You M'am. So now I'm the proud owner of a minuscule gold pin.

*I mean from the drawers of her desk. Can you get your mind off the gutters for a minute? Sheesh!


Anonymous said...

Une page qui tourne. Comment vous sentez-vous? :-)

Buddhist with an attitude said...

Très bien, Khôi, merci. Je me sens plus libre pour faire plein de choses. J'ai proposé mes services de traductrice bénévole à Médecins sans frontières, à la pagode tibétaine de mon frère et à l'Hôpital juif de Montréal. Et je vais finir la rédaction de mon livre, et faire aussi un peu de pige pour payer mes voyages. Ah oui, je voudrais aussi faire du bénévolat pour la SPCA. Mais je ne délaisserai pas ce blog pour autant, alors on va continuer de se "voir". ;-)

khoi said...

Et bien vous n'allez pas chômer! Voilà une excellente "attitude de Buddhist" ;-)
Ce sont des traductions anglais-français?
Je ne savais pas que vous aviez un projet d'écrire un livre. De quoi s'agit-il?
Tout ça me parait très motivant. Vivement ma retraite (c'est pas demain la veille) ;-)

Buddhist with an attitude said...

Mon livre raconte mes aventures parmi les disciples d'un maître spirituel vietnamien qui enseigne la guérison par les chakras. Est-ce que je peux compter sur vous pour acheter mon bouquin? ;-)

khoi said...

Rassurez-vous, je suis persuadé que vous en vendrez bien plus d'un. En tout cas, j'espère que mon exemplaire sera dédicacé :-)