Saturday, October 20, 2007

Thriller To The Max!!!

I have a weakness for the Michael Jackson's song Thriller (I put 2 YouTube clips of it on my blog, one by an Indian Michael Jackson and the one by the Filipino prison dance club). Well, my lifelong dream is coming true: I will get to perform Thriller and get the video screened by millions around the world. This is so exciting, let me explain [join fingertips of both hands in a steeple shape]:

Thrill The World is a worldwide ATTEMPT to break the Guinness World Record (GWR) for the Largest Simultaneous Dance with Michael Jackson's “Thriller.” Thousands of people in cities around the world will learn the “Thriller” dance and perform it at the exact same time on October 27/ 28, 2007.

The video footage from each event will then be edited into ONE WORLDWIDE MUSIC VIDEO!!!

If you’ve ever seen the music video and thought, “I wish I could do that!” – this year, you will.

Thrill The World Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) at

You can go on their website [] and download the step-by-step instructions to the choreography. Then, if you live in Montreal, join me on October 27th and we'll do the zombie together!!

Below are three versions of the song: first the Final Fantasy version, next, an a capella version by BYU Vocal Point and finally, for Meimei, the Indian Michael Jackson version, with crazy English subtitles.

Oh what the heck, let's have the Filipino's inmates' version as well. The more the merrier, I say.


eraseandrewrite said...

Where will the dancing take place?

Buddhist with an attitude said...

You have to register at the website and tell them where you're going to do the dancing, then send them the video, I think.

eraseandrewrite said...

Ah, okay. Btw, do you use msn messenger?

Buddhist with an attitude said...

Yes. Look for me at kwanyin47 at hotmail dot com. But I have to tell you that if you want us to train and dance and send a video, there's only 7 days left to practice. First thing is: go on their site and click on Learn to dance. There you can download the song in 3 mp3 files, the 40 YouTube clips that show you the steps and the moves, as well as the writtent instructions for the choreography. Good luck!!