Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm surprised they haven't fired me yet

This is a baggy dog

My English is so bad, and I think the problem is that I don't really know and understand the words. Instead I think in French in my head, then try to translate the thoughts in English, at the speed of sound, if not of light. Since the words are not equated to meaning but are just sounds to me, I sometimes switch the order of the words, without realizing how weird the new combination sounds. It's a sort of a verbalized dyslexia. Examples of the funny stuff I say:
  • baggy dog, instead of doggy bag
  • crooks and nannies, instead of nooks and crannies
  • covey doover, instead of duvet cover


Van Cong Tu said...

Your engliah is great , Look at me, my english is real bad. Rae you still coming to Viet Nam?

Buddhist with an attitude said...

Hi God. My English is not as good as I'd like it to be, cause I'm a translator and I get frustrated when I cannot express myself properly in English.
Is there anything from Canada I can bring you, when I go to Vietnam in August?