Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Twilight Mania Thwarted Again

I love Twilight (see? I told you I'm normal!)  so when they announced the launching of the official Twilight Saga: New Moon movie website, I of course rushed there:

And that's when they lost me: to enter the site, you have to downbload Adobe Flash Player Version 10. I HATE IT WHEN WEBSITES FORCE ME TO DOWNLOAD OR INSTALL STUFF!!!!1!!.


I know! I understand that by installing the newer version of Flash Player, I would be able to see all the special effects that have been designed and included. And I say Friggadoo! I want to have the choice of not being able to see the special stuff. I just want to see the actors' photos and read the information about the new film, maybe download a wallpaper or two. I don't care about watching 3-D trailers or interactive fancy schmancies. The fact that they are shutting me out right at the entrance is seriously pissing me off. So fuckem!


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