Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Teleprompt This!

By now, most people have heard of Obama's dependency problem on his teleprompter. No Quarters (http://tiny.cc/buX27) has a summary of all the links to jokes and pictures about it. There is of course the teleprompter's blog itself: http://baracksteleprompter.blogspot.com/

And finally, this photo, from Ace of Spade, called Cyrano de Teleprompter: http://minx.cc/?post=284665

"Now whisper 'I love you' with quiet, reassuring strength, and pinch
her bottom halfway between 'playful teasing' and 'urgent desire'...
Leave it up to her how to take it. It's all in the nuance of
letting people take it any of a dozen different ways."

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